In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, University of Tabriz

2 M.A. in Sport Management, Kharazmi University.

3 M.A in Educational Management, Imam Hussein University


The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of individual entrepreneurial orientation (IEO) and entrepreneurial intention and self-fulfillment with the mediating role of entrepreneurial skills. The statistical population of the study is the master's degree students of sport sciences in the universities of the country. Using random cluster sampling, 364 students were selected. To collect data four standard questionnaires were used. After translation and re-translation of the questionnaires, all the four questionnaires were reviewed by the experts of sports management to ensure the face and content validity. For reliability of questionnaires, Cronbach's alpha coefficient test was used and reliability of entrepreneurship orientation obtained 0.84, entrepreneurship intention= 0.79, entrepreneurship skills= 0.90 and self-censorship questionnaire= 0.87. Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 20 and Amos software. Findings showed that the extracted values for entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial skills is equal to (0.57), entrepreneurial skills and entrepreneurial intention (0.61) were significant (p < 0.05). Also, the extracted values for entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial skills is (0.57), and for entrepreneurial skills and self-cognitive skills (0.25) were significant (p <0.05). Finally it should be added that educational departements could increase the entrepreneurial motivation, along with the strengthening of entrepreneurial skills, to create self-orientation and entrepreneurial intention in sports sciences students.


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