In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Law and Social Sciences, Alborz Province, Iran

2 Department of Law, Payame Noor University, Alborz Province

3 Private Law Group, Alborz Province, Iran


The purpose of this research is to provide a scientific and practical model in order to understand the nature of liability insurance contracts in sports so that the elements of sports (managers, coaches and athletes) are aware of the need to have insurance coverage for accidents and injuries that may be possible for sports people, especially athletes. be informed if it occurs. Since the present research does not require sampling and interviews, data analysis has been done by description and analysis in a library method, and it has been tried to see what the perspective of the courts and judicial procedure is in such cases.The results of the research showed that insurance obligations for the loss of victims caused by sports accidents should be examined from the perspective of professional sports, so that before concluding an insurance contract, all possible possibilities for insurance coverage are considered by coaches and managers of sports teams and clubs and even national teams. should be placed so that insurance companies do not refuse to pay damages when faced with accidents. The main question that has been raised in this research is that to what extent is the scope of responsibility of insurance providers in sports venues in front of the victims?Based on the results of the research, if people have an accident resulting in physical injuries while attending and using sports facilities and performing exercises and competitions,
