Kamran Abdipour; Shirin Zardoshtiyan; Ezat-allah Jamshidi; Jahan Amiri
Volume 2, Issue 1 , September 2013, , Pages 113-120
The purpose of this study is to predict employee job satisfaction, according to the servant leadership inOffice of Youth and Sports of the West Country. Research methods is descriptive- survey. The populationof the study (300 Person) consisted of all the Personnel Office of Youth and Sports of the West ...
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The purpose of this study is to predict employee job satisfaction, according to the servant leadership inOffice of Youth and Sports of the West Country. Research methods is descriptive- survey. The populationof the study (300 Person) consisted of all the Personnel Office of Youth and Sports of the West Country.According to Morgan, 200 patients were randomly cluster. Instruments used in the study, were standardquestionnaires Gholipour servant leadership and job satisfaction Minnesota, which determined reliabilityof the 94.0 and 90.0. For data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics was used (pearson correlationcoefficient, and stepwise multiple regression). The results showed between servant leadership and jobsatisfaction is a positive relationship (r= 0.49, P 0.05). Also, the results of stepwise regression analysisshowed that servant leadership can be 27.0 changes from job satisfaction to predict and explain. Ingeneral, it can be concluded that servant leadership can create job satisfaction in athletic departments, andoffice managers can use this style of leadership, to take up job satisfaction of their employees