About Journal

The journal "Applied Research in Sport Management" is published in a quarterly journal with a scientific and research interest in Persian. The aim of the journal is to help develop the science of sports management and promote specialized knowledge, with emphasis on scientific research findings and research achievements of the owners of thought. The mission of this publication is publication of articles that focus on sports management, including "entrepreneurship in sport," "sports tourism," "sports marketing," "sport education," and other areas related to management in sport, based on applied research. , Fundamental and developmental. Articles are of prime importance with applied approaches

It is worth noting that the above mentioned journal was originally published under license number 143544/3 dated 2012/10/01 to the "Third" issue "Journal of Applied Management Research and Biological Sciences in Sport" The Honorable Director General of the Office of Policy and Research Affairs of the Ministry of Education was renamed the "Journal of Applied Research in Sport Management" by letter 239746/3 dated 2013/03/11.

"According to the Office of Research and Research Services, letter 32550/51 / d dated 2013/10/14 informs that the Journal of Applied Research in Sport Management is indexed in the ISC Islamic World Citation Center."


• ISSN: 2345-5551

• EISSN: 2538-5879


• Address: Central Organization of Payam Noor University, Palm Avenue, First City oil Army Blvd, Mini City, Tehran, Iran

• E-mail: journal.arsmb@pnu.ac.ir

• Website: journals.arsmb.pnu.ac.ir

Phone: 021-23322687

Mobile: 09133439018