relationship with the club. This was a descriptive/correlational study. The population was all customers of health and fitness clubs in Arak, and The sample was selected by stratified sampling. Three questionnaires of relationship quality (14 items) with satisfaction, commitment and trust, verbal advertising questionnaire (4 items), loyalty questionnaire (4 items) and complainant behavior questionnaire (4 items) were used for data collection. The face and content validity of the questionnaires were assessed by expert opinions (n = 12), and construct validity was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis; and Reliability was done by Cronbach's alpha. A total of 380 questionnaires were distributed, 355 were returned and 329 were analyzed. Data analyses were done using SPSS16, LISREL8.8, PLS and Excel Software. Findings reveal that relationship quality have a direct and significant impact on the loyalty (α=0/75) and verbal advertising (α=0/80). Also, Relationship quality had a negative and significant effect on complaining behaviors of customers (α= 0.75). Therefore, Therefore, managers of sports clubs, with regard to the role of relationship quality and its dimensions on loyalty, verbal advertising, and complainant behaviors, should make every effort to improve various aspects of relationship quality in order to gain customer loyalty and compliment; And reduce their complainant behavior.
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Zohrehvandian, K. , Monalizadeh, Z. and Khosravizadeh, E. (2022). How do customers behave in relation to sports clubs in the community?. Applied Research in Sport Management, 10(3), 35-50. doi: 10.30473/arsm.2022.8530
Zohrehvandian, K. , , Monalizadeh, Z. , and Khosravizadeh, E. . "How do customers behave in relation to sports clubs in the community?", Applied Research in Sport Management, 10, 3, 2022, 35-50. doi: 10.30473/arsm.2022.8530
Zohrehvandian, K., Monalizadeh, Z., Khosravizadeh, E. (2022). 'How do customers behave in relation to sports clubs in the community?', Applied Research in Sport Management, 10(3), pp. 35-50. doi: 10.30473/arsm.2022.8530
K. Zohrehvandian , Z. Monalizadeh and E. Khosravizadeh, "How do customers behave in relation to sports clubs in the community?," Applied Research in Sport Management, 10 3 (2022): 35-50, doi: 10.30473/arsm.2022.8530
Zohrehvandian, K., Monalizadeh, Z., Khosravizadeh, E. How do customers behave in relation to sports clubs in the community?. Applied Research in Sport Management, 2022; 10(3): 35-50. doi: 10.30473/arsm.2022.8530