In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of the present study was to identify and prioritize the problems of Sabah swimming plan from the perspective of schools administrators in Neyshabur city. The sample of the present study included all the elementary schools administrators in Neyshabur city (12o participants) in one educational year (2014-2015). The data of the study was gathered through a questionnaire which was constructed by the researcher. It included 20 items about the problems of implementing the swimming plan. In order to establish the validity of the questionnaire a semi-structured interview with 15 swimming trainers was conducted. Also, in order to examine whether the questionnaire is reliable, a cronbach's alpha was used. To analyze the data an exploratory factor analysis with oblique rotation and to prioritize the factors according to the non-normality of the data a Friedman test and a Mark post hoc test were used. The results showed that 96.7 of the administrators, 75.6 of the families and 94.4 of the students agreed with such a plan. After running an exploratory factor analysis, 20 indexes were considered which explained 66.269 percent of the total variance in the questionnaire. The problems of the plan were prioritized as follows: family problems, students problems, health problems, educational problems, managers and trainers problems, planning problems and problems related to the facilities and space. Problems related to the students and families were discovered to be the most important ones and managers should pay more attention to such problems for the better implementation of the swimming plan.


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