In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



Present study was to find the relationship between customer relationship management (CRM) and productivity in Qazvin's sport clubs. This study is a descriptive - correlation study and statistical population included all managers of Qazvin's sport clubs whether private or public, including the 110 club, due to the limited number of statistical population, all members of statistical population were selected as the sample population. In this study two questionnaires to gather the needed information the customer relationship management (CRM) and productivity were used. For data analysis the application of spss v.17 is used and statistical tests used in this study, in addition to the descriptive test, was Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression test. Correlation coefficient of two variables, customer relationship management (CRM) and have productivity, also in cases of customer relationship management (CRM) dimensions and productivity shows a significant relationship (p=0/018, r=0/479). Also, using stepwise multiple regression identified variables and the proportion customer relationship management (CRM) Dimensions and predict changes in the productivity of sports clubs is about 34 percent (p=0/001, a=0/01, F=47/11). Based on the results above, it can be said that the sports clubs of customer relationship management at a higher level, they had higher productivity.


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