In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper




The main goal of this study examines the relationship between brand identity whit loyalty fans Esteghlal and Persepolis teams In Mazandaran province. The method of present study Descriptive and correlational and its statistical population are fans Esteghlal and Persepolis That sample size of 385 with method cluster randomized in the local area, West, Central and East provinces were selected. From a researcher made questionnaire brand identity that derives from standard questionnaire of Khodadadi (1393) that consists of nine questions in three dimensions and Customer loyalty questionnaire of Allen (1990), That consists of 12 questions in two dimensions has been used.
Order to estimate the content validity questionnaire from opinions of the sport management professors and relevant experts has been used and its reliability using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient (brand identity 0/721 and Customer loyalty 0/720) were obtained. Descriptive statistics was used to describe study variables and to analyze the test data and the Pearson correlation coefficient and regression of KS. Analysis results showed that there is a direct correlation between brand identity and loyalty of fans (p= 0/001) and all three dimensions of brand identity have a positive impact and significant to the brand loyalty. According to the research results calls for more attention both managers and club officials, the improvement subscale of the brand credibility and brand loyalty seems necessary.


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