In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper




The purpose of this study was to survey the creativity barriers among administration of physical education employees in ministry of education. This research is a descriptive research type and was conducted as a field study. The population and sample included the whole administration of physical education employees in ministry of education(54percent male, 46 percent female , age average 39 ). The data collection was performed with Fifer (1990) Questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and inferential methods such as T test , Aniva and coefficient correlation were used for hypothesis testing.
The results showed there was no significant differences between men and women, creativity barriers. They were significantly difference between the abstract and the subjective. Also there were significant differences between individuals barriers to creativity with regard to degree. negative significant correlation was found between confidence and abstract abstraction with employees age and experience. so we strongly recommended these employees usage in administration of physial education.

Keywords: creativity, barriers, Administration of Physical Education.


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