Designing a Conceptual Model for Professional Empowerment of Female Managers in Iranian Sport Organizations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D.Candidate Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Ghazvin Branch. Islamic Azad University, Ghazvin, Iran

2 Assistant Professor Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Ghazvin Branch. Islamic Azad University, Ghazvin, Iran


The empowerment of female sports managers is effective on the performance of sports organizations. The purpose of this study was to design a conceptual model for professional empowerment of female managers in sports organizations. The statistical population included two sections of human resources (managers, professors) and information resources (books, articles, documents) related to the research topic. The sampling was in sufficient numbers with a judgmental method based on achieving theoretical saturation (n=17) with research tools including systematic library study and structured exploratory interviews. The validity of the instrument was evaluated and confirmed based on the legal and scientific validity of the sample, experts’ opinion and agreement between the correctors. The conceptual model consisted of three consecutive levels of contextual, structural-process and functional (89 components, 22 dimensions and 10 perspectives). The contextual level included two aspects of national management and sports environment; the structural-process level included five perspectives of strategicness, system capacity building, information provision, organizational foundation, and job preparation, and the functional level included the perspectives of empowerment, professionalization, and professional empowerment results. Based on the findings, it can be said that the professional empowerment system for female sports managers is a systematic process from contextual factors to consequences, and its implementation, despite the complex organizational conditions, can have a significant effect on performance and realization of gender justice in the sports organizations.


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