In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



Teachers' attitudes towards the school environment can provide a lot of information about the school environment and this information can improve the performance of a public education agency may be used. The aim of the present study was to investigate the validity and reliability of the school environment (SLEQ) Physical education teachers in Kurdistan is the view. The number of participating teachers, which included 246 subjects (138 men and 108 women) using sampling and Table Krjsay and Morgan were selected as the sample (N = 200) and the school responded to the questionnaire. Teachers' perceptions of the psychosocial aspects of the questionnaire SLEQ school. Which includes 56 items on a scale of five values ​​for the eight dimensions: (1) support for students (2) dependence (3) professional interests (4) Consensus Working (5) Empowering (6) Innovation (7 ) the adequacy of resources, and (8) work pressure is built. Validated questionnaire for face and content validity (expert opinion), structure (varimax exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis) and reliability of Cronbach's alpha (subscales of student support, affiliation, professional interest, a working consensus, empowerment, innovation sufficient resources and work pressures were 0/77, 0/68, 0/71, 0/66, 0/73, 0/70, 0/72, 0/68 and the total scale of 0/859) was used. The structural equation modeling software EQS done. According to Cronbach alpha coefficients are above the Persian form of the SLEQ scale reliability was considered acceptable. In general we can say that this questionnaire is a useful tool to assess teachers' perceptions of school environment


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