The determination of relationship between workaholism and quality of life among the female physical education teachers in Kermanshah: with emphasis on conceptual model of War and Sherborn

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this research is the determination of the relationship between workaholism  and quality of life among the female physical education teachers in Kermanshah .This research is a kind of descriptive – correlation investigation and has been carried out according to field study. The statistical society of this project includes 101 female physical education  teachers in Kermanshah based on Kerjesi and Morgan table. Of those, 80 persons have been randomly chosen as a statistical sample. Workaholism (Spins and Rabins) and quality of life (War and Sherborn) questionnaires have been used in order to collect the data .Their stability has been determined through Keronbakh Alfa as 82% and 85%, respectively. The statistical methods of Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficient has been used for analyzing the data. The results of the research showed that there was a strong meaningful negative relationship between teacher’s workaholism  and quality of life. In other word, when the degree of workaholism increases, the degree of the quality of life decreases consequently. There was a meaningful negative performance between workaholism and the components of quality of life (general health, social performance, energy, emotions and mental health). Therefore, the teachers are advised to observe moderation and to avoid the excesses and wastage and to try for maintaining their mental health.
