In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



The research aims to study the factors associated with occupational and organizational stress in technical staff of Urmia16th Asian men`s volleyball championship participant teams. This research is an applied and descriptive-correlation. Population and sample was total team`s technical staff (44 persons). Valid and reliable Ivancevich and Matteson`s stress questionnaire was used to collecting data in two parts; occupational stresses questionnaire include 16 questions (α=0.88) and organizational stresses questionnaire include 30 questions (α=0.95). Descriptive statistic results show that role of the organizational stressor was more than occupational stressor. Among the occupational stresses, time pressure and among organizational stresses, develop system of human resources had the highest effect in creating stress. As well as Pearson correlation test results show that occupational and organizational stresses had significance and positive relevancy (p


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