In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


shomal UN / master


The first sportive national talent-identification model with the strategic approach in track and field was codified by the talent-identification committee in the athletics federation in 2006 and was executed in 2008. Therefore, the present research argues the barriers to success and sustainability of executing this scheme in Iran as well as studying the results of this national talent-identification scheme. The method in the present paper is of descriptive and traversal. The population of this investigation was consisted to be 52 people of the formulation and implementation Colleagues in national athletics talent-identification model. The population was sampled equally. After setting the questionnaire, the research tools were distributed amongst 10 sportive experts and thinkers, which all in all were revised and confirmed the reliability of this questionnaire has been obtained 0.81 through cronbach’s alpha test. For data analysis KS, one sample t-test and the Friedman test were used. SPSS software was applied for statistical analysis. The results showed; identified 3 barriers in the structural barriers stage, such as; federation managers’ lack of belief in the process of talent-identification, 3 barrier developing plan stage, such as; their little attention to the functionality of the scheme and 5 barriers in implementation stage, such as; lack of skilled human resources at the level of α ≥0.05. The results had shown that based on the priority order, the barrier of low management stability in the athletics federation in the structural section, little interaction with the institutional sport in the implementation section, and large expansion of the scheme in the codification section had the highest priority on the failure and unsustainability of executing Iran’s national talent-identification scheme.


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