In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



The Purpose of this research is determination of the organizational entrepreneurship based on social capital components in Youth and Sports general office of Ilam province. This research is a descriptive study based on correlation method using a sample. statistical population of this study according to information of the human resources department in (2013) is consisted of all official, contractual and contract employees of Youth and Sports Department in Ilam, included 75 people. sampling method was also based on the total number counting and non-probability. Research tools used in this study, were an organizational entrepreneurship questionnaire of Marguerite Hill (2003), with reliability of 0/85 and the second questionnaire, were Social capital with reliability of 0/85 by Mr. Mohammad Hussein, Ansari (2010). Data were analyzed by one sample T. Test, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that there are positive and significant relationship between Social capital and organizational entrepreneurship among employees. Social capital with entrepreneurship have Interconnected relationship, So that increasing each factor will enhance the other one and vice versa. This reflects that there is significant relationship between the two components.


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