In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of sport management, University of guilan

2 Assistant Professor of sport management, University of guilan


The purpose of this study was comparative surveying of athletic identity of Iranian Super League Handball players and leading behavior of their coaches based on team performance. The statistical society includes all the working players in handball Super League (n=144). The survey’s materials have been Leadership questionnaires of LSS (conduct scale) and athletic identity questionnaires (AIMS Plus) with reliability of (93%) and (89%) respectively. Also for evaluation of the performance of teams, final chart of league based on points difference and ranks of teams were divided into three parts. For analyzing the data, kolmogrov-smirnov tests, ANOVA and Gabriel post hoc test, Kruskal-Wallis H and Mann-Whitney U tracing measuring and SPSS software have been used (p≤0/05). Results of comparing coaches’ leadership styles showed that training and instruction leadership styles, social support style, positive feedback style and democratic style among the coaches of successful, less successful and unsuccessful had significant differences (p


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