In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



Unless job design, job crafting is the process of employee based that it occurred in organizational environment as individual differences and it can be led to organizational outcomes like as agility. To this do, the research has been design by aim of structural equations analysis for effect of job crafting on organizational agility in sport and youth ministry. Number of 191 experts and managers of ministry selected by Krejecie et al’s table and responded to research questionnaires. After verifying face validity of instruments (by 17 experts of sport management), the questionnaire reliability of job crafting and organizational agility was achieved 0.95 and 0.86 respectively by Akpha’s Chronbach coefficient. Structural equations showed that the best factor related to job crafting which can effect on organizational agility of sport and youth ministry is decreasing hindering job demands with standard solution of 0.57, and after that another most important factor is increasing job social resources (r= 0.35). Regarding to reflected standard solutions of organizational agility, job crafting dimensions can mostly be more effect on leadership and technology components of organizational agility. Based on research findings can be expected that managers of big and bureaucratic sport organizations will certainly be able to change employee’s pleasure attitudes to organizational agility through conduct and monitoring of employees toward job crafting. In other words, autonomy and freedom for empowered employees cab be led to organizational agility based on job crafting.


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