Investigating the role of nostalgia (last memories) on ski run sport tourist’s behavioral intention

Document Type : Research Paper



The method of study was descriptive and correlational in nature whose purpose was to examine the role of nostalgia (last memories) on ski run tourist‘s behavioral intention in Tehran. The statistical population of the study were all ski run tourists who visited this ski run at least 3 times a year. Therefore, due to uncertain population size, Cochrane‘s sample size was used to calculate the sample size (N=197).The data were collected using Heetae Cho questionnaire (2014), content and face validity of which were verified by 8 scholars and its reliability was measured through Cronbach’s coefficient alpha and was (α=0.922) and (α=0.836) for nostalgia and for behavioral intentions respectively. To analyze the data, we employed the Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, Pearson‘s correlation and multiple linear regression with significance level (P≤0.05). The results showed that there was positive and significant relationship between nostalgia and its dimension with tourist’s behavioral intention(r=0.318,P≤0.01). moreover among nostalgia’s dimensions, group identity (Beta=0.464,t=5.414) and socializing (Beta=0.161,t=2.093) were respectively strong predictors of tourist‘s behavioral intention. Intention to evoke last memorable memories through accepting norms and ritual group, connecting and interacting with others among tourists are among the items that sport organization can influence the tourist’s behavioral intention through nostalgia as persuasive instrument.


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