Providing sports tourism development strategies (Case study: Minoodasht township)

Document Type : Research Paper



this study provids development strategies of sports tourism in the Minoodasht township. The research method is descriptive–analytical and to collection required information use library and field research)questionnaires and direct observation(. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to obtain reliability in this regard, the coefficient obtained (0.74) shows reliability of the questionnair . Also to assess the validity of questionnaire, appearance and content of the questionnaire was approved by 10 experts in the field of tourism experts who are experts in the development of the questionnaire. Groups involved in this research include local people, local managers and tourists. In the first group using Cochran formula and its amendments, the sample size was estimated 380 people, the second group were selected 20 managers and the third group 100 tourists. Data obtained from the questionnaires using SPSS V 18 software and the SWOT model analysis. Findings research shows aerial sports like paragliding sport in the first place among the tourist attractions. Findings research most important strengths and weaknesses in order to develop sports tourism in the city Minoodasht is the low cost of attending sporting events and lack of experience in the development of mutual sport and tourism as well as the most important opportunities and threats is the possibility of the presence of tourists and foreign athletes and the low quality of tourism services agencies. Finally, the integration of internal and external factors on the SWOT model diagram, defensive strategies were identified as optimal strategies.


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