In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Tehran

2 Associate professor of sport management at university of Tehran

3 Ph.D. student of sport management at university of Tehran


The aim of this study was to evaluate sport marketing articles by using citation analysis of scientific publications in the area of physical education and sports science from 1379 to 1392. The methodology of this research is citation analysis. Statistical population of current study is all of 10 journal articles in the field of sports marketing in physical education and sports science over 13 years and the statistical sample was equal to statistical population. For this purpose, 1236 references from 68 extracted articles were investigated. The Excel 2010 software was applied for data analysis. According to the data analysis, the average citation per paper was 17/18. Among the sources of information, most cited was devoted to the articles. Elsewhere findings have shown that Among the English and Persian journals “Sport Marketing Quarterly” and “Sport Management” were core journals. In addition, the results showed that most articles published threesome and most authors have with assistant teacher in academic ranking. Finally, according to results of this current research, it has been suggested that scientific research magazine with focus on sport marketing launch.


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