In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of present study was to validate a tool for determining core competencies for appointment of chairman in Iran's federations. Statistical population of this study was composed of all sport management professors in universities, chairman of the federations and also elected leaders and experts of the ministry of youth and sports (N=450). Due to the large population study class random sampling method was used (n=209). Measurement instrument was a questionnaire 48- item which contains included 4 general factors. In order to make sure about validity of this questionnaire, an expert’s panel composed of management professors was applied. For testing its reliability, 30 questionnaires were completed and 0/91 Cronbach’s alpha was calculated which was an appropriate reliability coefficient for this study. Data analysis of this study was done by the method of descriptive and inferential statistics and using Test (KMO) and Bartletts to determine the adequacy of sampling and factor analysis and in LISREL and SPSS software environments. All questions had a significant relationship with their agents in reliability structure, the amount of relationship and T-value, and they could be a good predictor for their agents. X2/df=1/606, RMSEA=0/069 indexes and NFI=0/90, NNFI=0/93, CFI=0/95,GFI=0/91 and AGFI=0/89 confirmed the goodness of model. Also, the results about the relations of factors with the meaning of competency showed that all factors could be a good predictor for concept of competency. Finally internal and external validity of core competencies for appointment of middle sport managers in Iranian ministry of youth and sports model was accepted.


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