In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Razi University, Kermanshah

2 razi univercity


The aim of the present study was to assess associate between Autonomy-Supportive Behaviors with Fear of Failure and Self-confidence in adolescent athletes. Methodology: Participants were Reserch 300 male athletes In all individual and team disciplines who were active professionally in the Championship, which be selected randomly-stratified of adolescent athletes in Kermanshah, and completed perceived autonomy support scale for exercise settings (Hagger et al, 2007), Fear of Failure questionnaire (Conroy, 2002) and Self-confidence questionnaire of the subscale of Competitive State Anxiety Inventory 2 (CSAI-2). Pearson correlation coefficient showed a significant positive correlation between the Autonomy-Supportive Behaviors and Self-confidence, and a significant negative correlation with Fear of Failure. Regression analysis revealed that Fear of Failure and Self-confidence can be predicted from Autonomy-Supportive Behaviors. The overall result is that as educators we behaviors Sideshow used to support the establish self confidence and reduce the fear of failure in adolescent athletes are successful .


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