In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


The aim of this research is to respond to this question that “What is the relation of the customer mental image of sport shops with the customer’s purchase value?” Method: The research is practical from the goal perspective and is descriptive from the nature point of view and is survey from method perspective. Because the society’s population is unknown, the sample magnitude is more than 382 persons by using the Morgan table. (The Cronbach’s alpha of the whole relation is 0.937). Findings: The phantasm has a significant relation with the dimensions of the customer’s purchase value (customer’s awareness-the perceived quality, meanings associations, customer’s loyalty) equal to 0.544, 0.744, 0.544, 0.536 respectively. (The amount of R for the entire relation is 0.673). Concluding: The results of positive relation of the sport shops’ phantasm (including the aspects of: comfortability, perceived price, physical facilities, the employees’ services and institutionalized factors) with the customers’ purchase value shows that when selling a good to a customer, producers should prepare an environment that be acceptable for the customer qualitatively and quantitatively and create an indelible memory for the customers for ever of purchasing. In this case, not only the intended person turns to be your permanent customer but also he/she would encourage other potential customers to become your real customers.


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