The effect of brand credit on brand alliance strategies in order to brand Strategic promotion: case study sepahan’s sport club

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this research is to respresent the effect of brand credit on brand alliance  to promote strategic position of brand. The following study represents a practical research which is descriptive in terms of strategy and it is survey in terms of application. Data collection has been conducted through questionnaire and field method.The population under study of the present research consists of all managers, employees, fans and players of Sepahan club. The sample size of simple random sampling has been estimated 384 individuals by the application of (kokrun) formula. The research measuring instrument included the questionnaires of Sepahan brand, Meli bank brand,and alliance brand which signified the reliabilities of 0.92, and 0.97 respectively. Researcher-made questionnaire including five criteria namely, reliability,adherence,quality and quantity of services and products ,socio-communicative  approach,fame,and advertising as well as price at last,showed the reliability of 0.91 in the preliminary (pilot-study) study through the use of split half and Cronbach alpha.Verbal and content validity was confirm by ten sports management specialists. Statistical data analyses were both descriptive and inferential. The obtained results show an indirect effect of brand credit on the position of strategic brand merely through alliance brand. The consequences of employed measuring models of brand credit effect on strategies of brand alliance ,the effect of brand credit on promotion of strategic position of  brand and the effect of alliance strategy on brand strategic position signified the importance and high value of aforementioned models as well as a confirmed proof for inferential research models


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