In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



Studies have shown it is essential for organizational successful to have leadership effectiveness. This is true to all organizations as sport organizations. Hence, it is important to identification of factors that can be related to leadership effectiveness. Therefore, the purpose of this research was designing of intelligence models needed for leadership effectiveness of sport managers. The Statistical population were all managers (N1=331) and staffs (N2=1621) of Sport and Young's Ministry, National Olympic committee, National Paraolympics committee, National Olympic Academy, and Sport Federations. Based on Morgan table, 180 managers and 367 staffs were selected with stratified sampling and random sampling for this research. Shring (1998) emotional intelligence questionnaire, Van Dyne and Ang (2004) Four Factor cultural intelligence scale questionnaire, Albrecht (2002) organizational intelligence questionnaire and Leadership effectiveness questionnaire (1388) were used to collect data. Validity of the Questionnaires was confirmed by experts and the reliability coefficient for the emotional intelligence questionnaire (α=0/80), cultural intelligence (α =0/89), organizational intelligence (α =0/88) and for leadership effectiveness questionnaire obtained (α=0/90). Data analysis was performed by multiple regressions. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was performed with AMOS graphic/18for modeling as well. The results showed there was significant relationship between emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence and organizational intelligence and leadership effectiveness. Finally, with regard to these results, it is recommended that in designating sport managers the following features is considered: emotional intelligence, organizational intelligence and cultural intelligence.


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