Structural Model Test of Sport Club Managers Performance Based on Entrepreneurial Marketing

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D candidate in Sport Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran.

2 Professor in Sport Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran.

3 Associate Professor in Sport Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran


The present study proposes a conceptual entrepreneurial marketing model with an approach of investigating the relationship between club causative nature, entrepreneurial and market orientation with the performance of sport clubs managers in Tehran. This study was descriptive correlational and the statistical population consisted of 1280 men and women sport club managers of Tehran in 1394700 questionnaires were distributed using multistage cluster sampling among which returned, 88% were identified analyzable. For data collecting, the standardized scales of marketing questionnaire of Butcher et al (2008), club nature of Khazai (2013), market orientation of Moghimi (2011), entrepreneurial orientation of Mohammadi (2011), and performance of Fazel (2011). Questionaires alpha Cronbach were repoted 0.81, 0.92, 075, 0.70 and 0.72 respectively. Face and content validity were determine by experts and construct  validity was confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis. Descriptive statistics was used for calculating mean, frequency, standard deviation and tables. For the conceptual statistics, structural equation test of Partial Least Squares (PLS) was done through using Smart PLS software to test research hypotheses and the goodness of fit. Results showed that there was a significant positive relationship between all the studied variables with the performance, except for entrepreneurial orientation. There was also a significant positive relationship between all studied variables and entrepreneurial marketing, except for market orientation. The fit index for the model was reported GOF=0.62 as well; so the model was identified as a strong fit.


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