Designing Conceptual Model Achievement to Entrepreneurial by the Integrated Approach of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Mikhailov and Interpretive Structural Modeling (Case Study: Organization of Youth Affairs and Sports in Yazd)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Accounting, Management & Economic Faculty, Yazd University.

2 Ph.D Candidate of Behaviour and Human Resources, Accounting, Management & Economic Faculty, Yazd University.

3 M.A Student of Commercial Management - Marketing, Accounting, Management & Economic Faculty, Yazd University.

4 M.A Student of Industrial Management - production, Accounting, Management & Economic Faculty, Yazd University.


Crucial role government agencies in the occupation and budget on the one hand and the importance of productivity in recent years has caused the entrepreneurship issue speciallyintrapreneurship to the attention of the managers of these organizations. Organization of Youth Affairs and Sports as one of the country's strategic organizations can by implement this concept, has a great step in achieving its goals and mission. The purpose of this study is to provide a model for to achieve to intrapreneurship based on the affecting factors on this concept. The statistical population of this research is consist of 13 experts familiar with the matter who were selected based on a judgmental sampling. The results show that among 13 affecting factors on intrapreneurship, experts express 9 factors have more than 90% importance to achieve to intrapreneurship that based on these factors, "the general and specific environment," have the most important with the "strategy" and "characteristics of employees and managers" were identified as the foundation of ultimate model. The results can be used as the map of the organization management to achieve to intrapreneurship.


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