Consumer Nationalism Relation with Conspicuous Consumption, Cultural Openness and Perceived Economic Threat in Assessment of Domestic and Foreign Goods

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tehran University

2 University of Tehran, Department of Sport Management


Consumer Nationalism as a priority to domestic products based on nationalist sentiments has been the
subject of many investigations in recent years. In this regard, according to Krejcie & Morgan chart, 278
cases among 965 undergraduate physical education students of some Tehran and Karaj universities were
selected as a research samples. The measuring tools have been CETSCALE of Shimp & Sharma (1987)
and questionnaire of Hoseinzade (1386) with reliability 0.841. For data analysis, descriptive statistics
and inferential statistics including Spearman coorelation and Mann-Whitney test in SPSS were use with
Pstudents were below average. Also there wasn’t relation between nationalism and conspicuous
consumption, whereas there was a negative relation between cultural openness and consumer
nationalism among students. Moreover, results of Mann-Whitney test imply that girls are more
nationalist than boys and they have more than conspicuous consumption. Finally, students with less
consumer nationalism had lower assessment of Iranian products.
