SWOT Analysis for Shows the Situation of Physical Education General Department of Payame Noor University

Document Type : Research Paper


Sport Managment, University of Tehran


The purpose of this study was to shows the situation of Physical Education General Department of
Payame Noor University. Document analysis, relevant literature review, surveys, PEST SCAN (α =
0.91), SWOT analysis and meetings were used to collect the data. 23 ex general managers and general
manager and experts of physical education general department and members of physical education
academic board in sciences and sport management, PhD students of Payame Noor University who had a
role in university sport were selected and surveyed. By Delphi method, meetings and several strategic
analyzing steps, 7 strengths, 7 weaknesses, 7 opportunities and 7 threats were recognized and ranked by
Friedman test. Research findings showed that Payame Noor University (population: 1 million)
participated in university sport below 1%. The collected information shows the situation of university
sport in Payame Noor University in the axis in (SO) region. By the evaluation of resources and internal
external information, we can present a collection of approaches and programs. Realization of the goal
university sport and employment of all provincial and native capacities along with the growth and
development of university sport in this university was presented.
