Program Study, Evaluation and Development of Sports Coaches in Selected Countries and Suggestions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Alzahra University

2 Tehran University


As the fastest growing professional perspective, the current administration's approach to teaching and
promoting the sport coaches is growing on. They are main elements in education and team leadership;
also play an important role in developing athletes. The aim of this study was to study the education,
evaluation and development of sports coaches in selected countries and proposed suggestions. This
study is a descriptive and analytical study was conducted and the data collection and review of existing
documents and material resources available in the library's Internet use. Sports Ministry in useful efforts
on education, evaluation and development of sport coaches is done, but the lack of systematic approach
systems to keep pace with the modern world is faced with many problems. Extensive studies have been
conducted on sport coaches’ education in Australia, and articles about the framework, the headings,
content, and standards for sport coaches education and development is written. Several editions of the
UK education system and educators to provide educational content to new levels of coaching are being
compiled. In the United States, according to the education system, standards and training programs
developed and are being updated. Extensive studies have been performed in Canada, as well as
programs to improve and develop educational programs for coaches and athletes in each discipline is
provided in other countries. Studies show that a systematic approach, in coordination with the
international community and the continent needs urgent mentoring sports coaches in the country and is
the essential foundation of international coaches. In this way, the system utilizes the experiences of
selected countries and is useful.
