Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire in Sport

Document Type : Research Paper



Emotional intelligence as a psychological factor has an important role in psychology, management and
recently sport. The purpose of this research has a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) of Emotional
Intelligence Questionnaire in Sport. Statically society was all of coach, referee and athlete of
Kermanshah, Iran that 166 person finally respond in questionnaire. After content validity, CFA, Pierson
test and Chronbakh alpha used for reliability and validity of questionnaire. Also, in CFA research the
number of sample was select according the factor of questionnaire. Result of CFA showed that six factor
of questionnaire was a good structure. Reliability of questionnaire with Chronbakh alpha for six factor
showed that the range between 0.73 -0.79. Result of CFA support six factor structure of emotional
intelligence include appraisal of own emotions, regulation of own emotions, utilization of own emotions,
optimism, social skills, and appraisal of others emotions has good fit. According to CFA result, suggest
that for confidence of questionnaire, future research test this questionnaire among other sample.
