Evaluating Coaches' Knowledge for Giving First Aids to Injured Athletes in Sports Arenas

Document Type : Research Paper


Shahid bahonar University of kerman


The aim of current study is evaluating coaches' knowledge for giving first aids to injured athletes in
sports arenas. There is a descriptive- correlation method in an applying aspect which conducted in a
field study. The population for this research was the entire coaches in Kerman, Iran that were 359
people. A sample was determined for this population. The data was collected from a self-questionary
performed by the author for evaluating coaches' knowledge about first aids, that its content certainty
was 90% and its reliability was determined by Chronbach's alpha coefficient (95%). The findings from
analysis data showed that the knowledge level for most of men coaches was low (43.90%) and for most
of women coaches was in a middle level (48.50 %). Moreover, there is a significant correlation between
knowledge level and graduation degree (P<%5 ) but there isn't any significant relationship between
knowledge level with coaching experiment and coaches' ages (P> %5). In regard to critical role of
coaches in developing sports and unavoidability of injuries in sports, it seems necessary to try for first
aids instruction in different courses of coaching.
