In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD student in Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Tehran, Iran


In order to prevent misbehaviour of football fans, national and international organizations have created certain rules that directly regulate clubs for their fans' behavior. The disciplinary powers of national and international organizations allow them to impose penalties in the event of violations by spectators of football clubs with an independent legal personality. In Iran, there were also grounds in this field to allow extend the penalties for the behaviors of the spectators to the football clubs. Taking into account the needs of the day and the new findings of criminology, including the theory of "white collar crimes", as well as the use of jurisprudential doctrines, including the principle of cost-interest legislator of Iran dedicated some articles to this point (i.e. Aboulute responsibility). The implementation of such a rule has led to many discussions in various systems, with the focus on legitimacy and the legality of such rules, in terms of restricting the personal of criminal responsibility to oneself or extending responsibility if oneself for others wrong doings. In present research, the analytical-descriptive method was used to balance the interests of the individual and the clubs, but it was argued that it must be shaken to subjugate the interests and power of the clubs. The most striking feature of balancing interest today can be seen in the criminal responsibility of sports clubs.


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