Sports tourism development with an emphasis on hidden areas

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD Student Sport Management, Mazandaran University

2 Associate Professor Sport Management, Mazandaran University


Sport tourism is the most important part of the tourism industry. The purpose of this research is to design a model for developing sport tourism in hidden areas which was used by qualitative research method. In this study, using a glaser approach the grounded theory methodology, a profound interview was carried out with 16 experts specializing in sports and sports tourism management. The results of the analysis of interviews and coding showed The socio-cultural role of the local and regional community, the role of government policies, the geographical features of the region, the characteristics of tourists, the general and sporting features of the hidden areas, and the role of the responsible organizations have a lot of impact on sport tourism development of Hidden areas and Income, employment, social welfare and the promotion of culture were introduced as development outcomes. Currently, our country does not have good performance in the field of sports tourism, especially the hidden areas. Therefore, if we develop in this field, communications will be strengthened politically. It also has positive cultural exchanges and the promotion of the culture and tradition of hidden areas and Introducing the brand in different areas will bring many positive social effects to our country. Finally, proposals was presented for the development of sports tourism in hidden areas.


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