The effect of nerve marketing on the sudden buying behavior of sports shoppers due to the mediating role of passion for the brand and the presentation of the mode

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD.Student, Department of Physical Education,Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Physical Educationf Department, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, , Shahrood, Iran.


The present study was conducted in 1397 and beginning of 1398 with the aim of investigating the effect of neural marketing on the purchasing behavior of sporty shoppers, considering the mediating role of brand enthusiasm and presenting the model. The statistical population of this research is all shoppers of sporting goods stores in Khorasan Razavi province, whose number is very high and uncertain. In this way, two-stage cluster sampling method was used to select 20 large stores in the city of Mashhad, Imam Khomeini and the main distribution center in Mashhad, and 10 stores in 10 provinces of the city. 384 questionnaires were distributed among the buyers. In this research, the researcher used three Iser et al. Marketing strategies (2011), a sudden consumer buying behavior (2016) and a passion for the brand Zyachevsky (1985). Nerve marketing has an indirect impact on the behavior of the buyers of sports brands through brand enthusiasm. The connection between the creation of a superior identity of sporting products in the minds of customers indicates that the brand name of a strong and credible brand of products can lead customers to use because the customer has this mental sense that the personality of the brand reflective and associate personality He is his own


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