Document Type : Research Paper
Ph.D. Student in Sport Management, Sciences and Researches Branch tehran, Islamic Azad University.
Ph.D., Full Professor in Sport Management, Physical Education and Sport Science Department, Sciences and Researches Branch, Islamic Azad University.
Associate Professor, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University.
Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Science Department, Chaloos Branch, Islamic Azad University.
The purpose of this study was to The compiling of Performance evaluation framework of professional league organization of Iranian Football and Ranking by method of AHP. This research was qualitative in terms of methodology and Grounded theory was used. The statistical population of this study was experts (18 samples) and the statistical sample was selected using theoretical and objective sampling method. Semi-structured interview method was used to collect data. The data were analyzed in three stages of open, axial and selective coding and analyzed through MAXQDA 12software. Analysis of data showed that causative conditions include (planning, organizing, Refereeing and coaching, and clubs),the underlying conditions (Information Technology, Transfers, Security and protection and the health of the league, Influential factors (Public and cultural relations),Strategies (technical and development, sport Commerce and marketing, financial and support strategies and finally outcomes(customer satisfaction, improvement of the economic situation and the prosperity of the football industry, the implementation of professional competitions, increased productivity of human resources, Fill out leisure time and improvement of the performance of clubs) identified and linked to each other. Finally, the paradigm and theoretical model of the quality of the professional league organization of Football were formed. As a result, in prioritize the clubs have the first priority and Subsequently, information technology, public and culture relations, Referee and coaching, organization, security and protection, technical and development, planning, finance and support, league health, transfers, and trade and marketing and can somewhat bring about favorable outcomes for the Iranian professional football league organization