Designing structural model of elemental, behavioral and motivational traits in horse racing betting with mix method

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor in sport management of Gonbad Kavous Univesity


Identifying the behavioral traits of Sport bettor is an effective strategy to predict the tendency to future betting. The purpose of this paper is designing structural model of elemental, behavioral and motivational traits in horse racing betting by mix method. For this purpose, an exploratory mix method in qualitative phase (30 people) by means of cognitive sampling and a quantitative phase (250 people) was employed by a snow fall sampling. To data collection, researcher-made questionnaire with three subscales of elemental, behavioral and motivational factors was used as five-point likert scales. Results of factor analysis showed that in elemental cub scale, Conscientiousness (β=0.65) and agreeableness (β=0.57), in behavioral sub-scales, numeric interest (β=0.79) and Impulsiveness (β=0.68) and in motivational sub-scales, money (β=0.84) and escape (β=0.62) were main components to explain the path mode. In addition, marring and experienced bettors were more likely to betting. Therefore, preparation of appropriate profiles of the behavioral traits of bettors, in addition to the role of deterring the destructive cultural and social consequences, is an effective strategy in sports marketing sector based on identifying the need assessment of personality traits


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