The Impact of Network Marketing on Promoting and Maintaining a Brand of Foreign Sporting Goods

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MCs student sport manegmant uni of tabriz

2 University of Tabriz - Department of sport management- Faculty of Physical Education & Sport Science

3 Faculty member of Tabriz university

4 Graduate student of Sports Marketing Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.


the present study was conducted to investigate the effect of network marketing on the brand of promotion and maintenance of foreign sports goods. In terms of purpose, research is applied. The statistical population of this study includes all users of foreign sports goods in Tabriz and Urmia. Therefore, due to the limited statistical population, the samples consisted of 200 people and were selected as available sampling. In order to collect the data, two standard marketing questionnaires, network, and brand promotion and maintenance questionnaires were used and distributed among the subjects. Cronbach's alpha was reported to be 0.95. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze and analyze the data, and step-by-step correlation and regression methods were used to test the hypotheses in the 22 spss software environment. The results showed that there was a positive and significant correlation between network marketing and brand promotion and maintenance. Also, there is a positive and significant correlation between network marketing components such as trust, pleasure, ease of use, special profitability plan with brand promotion and maintenance. Overall, the ease of use of network marketing and the enjoyment of network marketing was introduced into the model of predicting changes in brand promotion and retention, and these two components justify 38% of the variations in brand promotion and retention variance. In fact, these results indicate that 38% of the promotion and maintenance of foreign sports goods depends on the ease of use and the pleasure of using network marketing.


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