Investigation Different Dimensions of ban Iranian Football Clubs from Hosting in Asia 2020

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD. in Sports Management, Khuzestan Education Research Institute, Ahvaz, Iran


The purpose of this study was to Investigation Different Dimensions of ban Iranian Football Clubs from Hosting in Asia 2020. The research method was qualitative and content analysis. Statistical population consisted of all Persian-language media that published their news and reports through various such as sites, social networks, television, radio, magazines and newspapers, etc. For this purpose, 28 media with the richest information were selected purposefully and the data were analyzed simultaneously using a set of initial (open) and inferential coding. The results showed that the three categories of factors mentioned by the AFC, internal experts and internal confounders are the causes of this phenomenon. Media responses, short-term and long-term solutions are needed to overcome these constraints. The consequences of such decisions in both acceptance or non-acceptance of ban from hosting were also examined. Regional networking, obtaining important seats, establishing a sports diplomacy secretariat, and developing informal communications were the most important long-term solutions offered to the country's federation and sports authorities.


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