Modelling the components of organizational image among the students of sport sciences

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, department of sport science, tarbiat dabir university,Iran,Tehran

2 Associate Professor, Technical and Vocational Univerisity, Iran, Tehran


The purpose of this study was to design the organizational image among the sport and physical education students.The present study was a descriptive survey in terms of purpose and method of data collection in both qualitative and quantitative stages. In the qualitative phase, while studying literature review and semi-structured interviews with 13 experts, 69 initial concepts were obtained after two Delphi Fuzzy Method (DFM) rounds. The population of the study was all Iranian physical education students and a sample of 432 undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students randomly selected. After exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory and structural modeling using SPSS and LISREL software in addition to confirm the validity and reliability of the tool used, finally 10 factors in the form of 61 Structural Imagery items of Shahid Rajaee School of Sport Sciences In terms of impact coefficients are: geographical location of the school, sports, educational space, dormitory, laboratory space, functions, extracurriculars, human resources, student financial support and identity; The Future of Shahid Rajaee University in General and the Faculty of Sport Sciences in particular Human resources, material support programs for students and reinforce concepts related to identity martyr Rajai School of Sport Sciences can contribute to growth and organizational development of the school.


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