The Relationship among satisfaction and quality of service delivery employees with the rate of participants satisfaction in scholarship sport Olympiad

Document Type : Research Paper


Sports Management, Kharazmi University


The Aim of this research was to determine the relationship among satisfaction of employees with the quality of service delivery and the satisfaction of participants in scholarship olympiad . To do so, all the participants in Olympiad which was implemented in Orumieh were statistical population. statistical patterns were chosen through  random sampling method (participants,180). The data gathered by questionnaires employee satisfaction (Lawman1998) and qualiy of service delivery and participants satisfaction questionnaire (chen, 2008). The reliabilities were measured by karonbakh Alfa method which was obtained 0/921 for the quastionnaire of employees satisfaction,0/908 for questionnaire of the employees quality of service delivery and 0/821 for participants satisfaction. Statistical analysis was done by the use of deductive statics (consist of pearson correlation method , simple regression). The results show that there are significant relationship between employees satisfaction components and components of quality of service delivery and also show that employees satisfaction can be significant for their quality of service delivery and their quality of service delivery can be significant for costumers satisfaction.
