Factor Analysis of SWOT of Iranian Championship Sport Station

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor in Sport Managment of Uremia University

2 Associate Professor in Sport Management of Tabriz University/Iran

3 Ph.D Student of Sport Management Faculty, Urmia University


The purpose of this study is factor analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Iranian Championship Sports Station. The statistical population of the study consists of managers and experts of championship sports station and university professors and sports experts about 154 people. For example, in the qualitative part, 20 people were purposefully selected and in the quantitative part, 134 people were selected as a total number. The method of collecting data for this study are combined, the first Delphi technique were used to identify the SWOT of Championship Sport Station And designed based on the provided list, the researcher-made questioner with 62 questions. Then its face validity was confirmed by 5 professors of sports management and experts and to assess the content validity, the content validity relative coefficient (CVR) was used. Also To determine the reliability of Alpha Cronbach test 0.88 was used. For data analysis; respectively in qualitative part; Delphy method, and for quantitative part descriptive statistics and inferential statistics methods, including one sample T-test, Friedman-test and confirmed factor analysis by application of AMOS and SPSS software wereused. Among the most important findings of the research are the facilities and equipment of the station, lack of strategic plan, interest and acceptance of young people in championship sports, increase in the price of equipment and tools needed and maintenance costs, focus on consequentialism instead of process orientation.


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