Identifying strategic disadvantages of developing sport for all : experts point of views

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Science, Sport Management Department, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University

2 Sport Management Department/ Sport Science Faculty/ Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University/ Tehran/ Iran

3 Asistant professor, Sport Management Department, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University


This study was conducted with the aim of Identifying strategic disadvantages of developing sport for all: experts point of views. The paradigm used in this research was an interpretive with a qualitative approach that used a phenomenological strategy with a hidden content analysis tactic to do it. The tools used in this study were the study of documents related to the Federation of Public Sports and interviews with 14 elites and experts in the field of public sports who were purposefully selected using the theoretical saturation rule. The data format was text, audio and video, which eventually became textual data. Data analysis was performed by coding (summarization) using MaxQDA software. In order to check the validity and reliability, the researcher and two academic experts in the field of public sports performed the coding work that about 84% of the codes were shared with each other (validation confirmation). That the codes are scientifically meaningful (confirmation of reliability). Based on the coding results in the first stage, 61 open source codes were identified, which after categorization, 13 main categories: interpersonal, lack of time, interpersonal, structural, infrastructure, attitudinal changes, communication system, media performance, coordination, culture, management and planning. Financial and economic and human resources were created. After reviewing the literature and taking the opinion of the best experts and avoiding the use of paradigmatic model, the researcher categorized the categories that were conceptually related to each other.


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