Evaluating and Ranking the Efficiency of the Provincial Physical Education Deputies of Iran Education Ministry Using BCC Model (Data envelopment analysis)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Sports Management, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Sari, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Management, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Sari, Iran


The technique used in this study was data envelopment analysis. The statistical population included the deputies of physical education headquartered in the 31 provinces of Iran. The tool used was a five-valued questionnaire, which was evaluated on the basis of a fuzzy method. The content and face validity of the questionnaire was approved by 14 experts in the field of sports management based on CVR and CVI forms. The results showed that the components of “stuff” with the mean of 43.54 and standard deviation of 19.90, “budget” with the mean of 31.219 and standard deviation of 14.741; “sports capita” with the mean of 0.5909and standard deviation of 0.1153, “public sports” with the mean of 841/67and standard deviation of 385/80, “championship sport” with the mean of 93/29and standard deviation of 60/61,”sports education,”with the mean of 66/73 and standard deviation 21/34، “sports research” with the mean of 77/87and standard deviation of 59/64, “sports events” with the mean of 6021/00and standard deviation of 2364/14, and “training sports”with the mean of 170/35 and standard deviation of 18/06. The results ofSensitivity Analysis Test indicated that the component of “budget” had the most role in the efficiency of the provincial physical education deputies. Moreover, the provinces of Ardabil, Ilam, Tehran, Khorasan Razavi, Northern Khorasan, and Khuzestan enjoyed the necessary efficiency. The outcomes of the sensitivity analysis of inputs and outputs in the BCC model indicated that "budget" and "championship sport", respectively, played greater role in determining the efficiency of the deputies.


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