Analysis of ISC Productions Methodology of Sports Management in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Sport Management, Gilan University

2 Sport Management, Payame Noor University


The purpose of this study was to survey methodological componants on Iranians journals of sport management. The present research is quantitative and biblio-metric.The statistical sample was equal to the statistical population which is consisted of all articles related to sports management in sports sciences journals of Iran (9 journals) until the end of 2012 (1391) (n=845). The articles were collected from the indexed databases of the journals and the data were extracted from and codified by the rewritten check lists of previous studies which were approved by experts. In addition, the selected components were categorized in groups and were analyzed based on time period and their distribution process in publication production enhancement. The results showed that increases in the number of publications being produced, have not affected the number of applied methods used in the studies. Furthermore, many articles which used recent applied methods were mostly published in highly-produced journals. It is worth mentioning that the quantitative aspect of the research was more prominent than the qualitative, descriptive and combinatory ones. Additionally, the research methods such as analytical, co-relational, and field studies gained the highest application while, many conventional methods in management and organizational studies were not that much applied. Most of the studies employed random selection or total counting methods. Therefore, generalizability from sample to the population is more valued rather than hypothesis testing. Moreover, 68% of the studies used questionnaire while, conevtional instruments such as observations and secondary data was only applied in a few cases. Due to the fact that many conventional methods in organizational and management researches are not used significantly in Iran’s sport management studies, it is suggested that appropriate research methods considering current studies of sport management should be adjusted or even created
