Determining validity and reliability of the questionnaire barriers and incentives audience behavior for sports

Document Type : Research Paper


Sport management, Tehran University


The aim of this study is to Determine validity and reliability of the questionnaire barriers and incentives for sports fans. Statistical population of this study were Persepolis and Esteghlal derby fans of seventy-sixth (N=100000). Morgan table calculated the size of statistical sample 384 people who were selected randomly. Measurement Instrument was a questionnaire 89-item audience behavior (Yu, 2010) which contains included five general factors (internal motivators, internal constraints, external motivator, external constraints and behavioral measures). Pointing method of questions was based on Likert range seven options (strongly disagree=1 to strongly agree=7). Face and content validity of questionnaire was accepted after translation by professors of sport management and specialists. Statistical methods were descriptional indexes for describing data, Cronbach`s alpha for determining reliability, Test  (KMO) and Bartlett's to determine the adequacy of sampling, Confirmatory factor analysis to determine the validity and T one-sample test in order to examine differences of the averages the software SPSS and LISREL was used. Analytical results showed (0.92) reliability for audience behavior questionnaire. All questions had a significant relationship with their agents in reliability of Structure, the amount of relationship and T-value, and they could be a good predictor for their agents. X2/df=2.76, RMSEA=0.074 indexes and NFI=0.98, NNFI=0.92, CFI=0.94, GFI=0.99 and AGFI=0.90 confirmed the goodness of models. Also, the results about the relations of factors with the meaning of audience behavior showed that all factors could be a good predictor for the concept of audience behavior, finally internal and external validity of audience behavior model was accepted
