Innovative Development of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship Through Sports Events

Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Non- Profit- Non- Governmental Higher Education Institute, Marlik Nowshahr, Nowshahr, Iran.

2 Lecturer, Department of management, Non- Profit- Non-Governmental Higher Education Institute, Marlik Nowshahr, Nowshahr, Iran.


The purpose of the present study is  innovative development of sustainable tourism and entrepreneurship through sports events. The descriptive research method is of the correlation type and is performed in the field. The statistical population was all inhabitants of Mazandaran province, and the final sample of 384 people  was selected using the purposeful random sampling method and according to the Morgan table and the large population., To ensure the return of the answer letters, 410 questionnaires were distributed and 397 questionnaires were returned, which was a 97% return rate.. The data collection tool was valid  questionnaire and their formal and content validity was approved by 5 sports management professionals. All scales had high levels of reliability (Cronbach's alpha above 0.70). For data analysis, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, Pearson correlation, and regression were used with the help of SPSS software. Research findings showed that acceptance of sustainable tourism development through sport can be determined by many variables such as economic impact (b= 0.434), residents 'attitudes towards sports events (b= 0.287), and citizens' willingness to entrepreneur (b= 0.113), Sports events affect many aspects of a tourist destination. Also, the citizens’ desire to do entrepreneurship is related to sports.


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