How do I submit my article?

The articles will be received exclusively through the publication's database and in the article submission section, andthe articles sent through the postal address or e-mail of the publication will not be considered.

Can I add or remove someone's name as an author?

The number and rank of the authors of the article is accepted as specified in the letter of commitment, and the request to remove or change the order of the authors' names can be considered only before the final arbitration and with the written request of all the authors and the declaration of the reason.

How much does it cost to publish in a Quarterly Journal Applied Research in Sport Management?

The initial evaluation amount will be based on the instruction provided by the Research Vice-President for one million Rials and if the article is accepted and published, another
 2 million Rials will be obtained from the authors.

Can I publish my manuscript Open Access?

Yes, Quarterly Journal of Applied Research in Sport Management offers Open Choice (open access articles published in subscription-based journals) and fully open access journals.

How can I order offprints?

You will receive a free electronic offprint (PDF-format) for your article for your personal use.

Can I share my electronic offprint with others?

Authors have the right to disseminate their article's eOffprint (as a printout or by email) to their co-authors and research colleagues. for personal use by such colleagues