A Comparative Study for Promotion of Physical Activity in Older Adults in Selected Countries and Providing Action Plans for Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of Sports Management, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Sports Management, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.


This study was designed to promote physical activity in older people in selected countries and to provide practical measures in Iran. It is a comparative study with a qualitative strategy. Data collected using the documents, instructions, articles, research projects and Internet resources in selected countries (USA, Canada, Finland, UK and Japan) and analyzed with Brady's comparative model in four stages. Based on four individual, social, organizational and environmental factors, detailed and valid information of these countries, strategies and practical actions for implementation in Iran were provided. Promoting health literacy, providing access, institutionalizing of older people’s physical activity, promoting a public culture for sport of older people, support to promote strategies, support and social participation, community acceptance, dual deprivation/benefit, the participation of public and private institutions, development of macro-management plans, the integration of traditional / modern dual programs, etc. were found . By using the balanced generalizability method, some tactics and practical extraction measures of selected countries were used as strategies to promote sports for older people in Iran. It seems necessary to design and implement a national program and guidelines for sports of older people and promote them in our country. Because it will become a country with a large population of older people in future.


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