Studying the status of women's organizational growth in sports management levels (glass ceiling theory approach)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch, Qom, Iran.

2 Ph.D in sports management, Imam Ali University (AS), Tehran, Iran.


In spite of women’s effective presence in higher educational levels and their general qualifications, the existence of an invisible obstacle called glass ceiling in the country's sports management is very evident. The purpose of this research is studying the status of women's organizational growth in sports management levels. The method is descriptive-analytical and it is practical in terms of purpose. Library method and researcher-made questionnaire were used to collect data. The content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and its reliability was calculated as 0.88. The statistical population included managers of the Ministry of Sports and Youth, female vice-presidents of sports federations and boards, and female faculty members specializing in physical education. The research sample was equal to the population and was determined as a whole number. A total of 250 people were studied as a research sample. To analyze the data, the Kolmogorov Smirnov tests, the comparison of the mean of a population and the Friedman test were used. The results showed that, in general, the managerial development of women's sports in the country has confirmed obstacles, and the most important obstacles affecting the advancement of women in the managerial levels of the country's sports, in order of importance, were; Economic barriers, organizational barriers, cultural barriers, political barriers and social barriers. As a conclusion, women in three ways: empowerment, acceptance of management roles and entrepreneurship (knowledge and new opportunities) can pave the way for accepting management roles.


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